Evap Deactivation
Price: €175,-*
Gasoline vapor aspiration (EVAP) is necessary to safely and responsibly dispose of the gasoline vapors in a vehicle’s tank. Before 1980, these vapors were often released into the wild by installing a pressure relief valve on the filler cap of the tank. Due to strict EURO standards, this is no longer allowed.
In modern gasoline engines, the gasoline vapors are carried from the tank to an activated carbon filter, where the hydrocarbons can be temporarily stored. When the engine reaches operating temperature, the activated carbon filter is opened and the hydrocarbons can be drawn into the intake manifold. This way, the gasoline vapors are released into the combustion at an ideal time, thus reducing pollution.
Secundary air injection system Delete
Price: €175,-*
A gasoline engine always has a rich mixture at a cold start, this means more fuel than oxygen. The catalyst is not at working temperature yet at a cold start and cannot clean these exhaust gases yet.
The secondary air pump, will then pump outside air into the exhaust, which increases the temperature in the exhaust and the catalyst will heat up faster.
The air pump is active for about 20-30 seconds on a cold start, after this the catalyst is sufficiently warmed up. So the secondary air pump only causes the catalyst to reach its working temperature a little faster.
Cylinder Deactivation ACT/COD/MDS
Price: €175,-*
Cylinder deactivation is an innovation in which a fuel engine automatically deactivates one or more cylinders while driving. This usually occurs at low load or constant speed.
The purpose of cylinder deactivation is to save fuel without sacrificing comfort and power. Turning off cylinders while driving means less fuel is sent to the engine. And when more power is needed, those cylinders are reactivated in a split second. This is a nice piece of technology, unfortunately with some engines this is not yet completely smooth and some riders do experience some discomfort here.
Lambda/CAT sensor Delete
Price: from €150,-*
A lambda sensor measures the oxygen level in the exhaust fumes. This is then transmitted to the engine management system (ECU). Thanks to the first lambda probe(s), the ECU knows the exact fuel ratio.
All gasoline vehicles built after 2000 have a second lambda probe behind the catalyst to check its operation and effectiveness. This is also the only function of the 2nd lambda probe and does not affect the operation of the engine.
Add or remove speed limiter**
Price: from €150,-*
A speed limiter is a feature in vehicles that regulates the maximum speed.
A (mandatory) speed limiter is not yet available for passenger cars. Most car manufacturers do often deliver their models with a limited speed.
Installing the speed limiter is a system that prevents the driver from driving faster than a certain speed.
Removing the speed limiter allows you to remove the speed limit set by the manufacturer, allowing you to drive faster. Of course, in compliance with traffic regulations and safety.
RPM/REV limiter removal
Price: €150,-*
A rev limiter is found in all modern engines. This is designed to protect the engine by limiting the maximum speed, measured in revolutions per minute (RPM). RPM limiters are preset by the manufacturer. A limiter prevents a vehicle’s rotational speed engine from going beyond its limit.
We can adjust the maximum RPM as desired, higher or lower. By increasing the maximum RPM, the engine will produce more power in most cases. The speed can also be reduced for extra reliability or as a speed limitation.
Torque limiter
Price: €275,-*
The engine’s power and torque are controlled by the ECU. With (chip) tuning, these values are normally increased, but of course they can also be adjusted to reduce power.
Increase idle speed
Price: €275,-*
The idle speed is the speed at which the engine runs unloaded. It is usually between 700 and 900 RPM, which is controlled by the ECU (engine computer). If the air conditioning is turned on, the ECU may increase the RPM slightly, because the engine is subjected to a greater load.
At a certain speed the engine may run a little irregular or you’ll feel some vibrations. The RPM can be adjusted in the ECU so that the engine runs just outside the problem area.
Swirl flaps/valves removal
Price: from €150,-*
The intake nozzle, swirl valves, butterfly valves or swirls flaps allow air to flow into the engine at a higher speed at a lower RPM. This allows the injected fuel to mix better with the air before it ignites. The swirl flaps often become severely polluted, resulting in decreasing valve performance. It also happens that the valves break down internally.
A repair is often time-consuming and costly, so disabling it software-wise can save a lot of money.
Disadvantages of polluted or defective swirl valves/swirl flaps can include:
- Engine failure active
- Car goes into emergency mode
- Bad combustion
- Reduced engine power
- Higher fuel consumption
* ex. VAT.